Well its Wednesday night - Yep half way through the week and Yes I have been absent. Sometimes - as others have said before me - Life just gets in the way..
I was just sitting here - blog stalking as i do and trying to relax as one does when work is stressful and gets in the way of having fun - to my surprise i have just received a lovely email from Tara. Now as you know I lurve blog stalking and checking out what the other crafty ladies all over this wide world of ours get up to and I found Tara's blog, now I must say - she is a wonderful creator. To my surprise I won her 40th blog candy.
So i must say - go and check out her work and leave her some lovely comments as her cards are fab.. Dont forget to say happy birthday :)
Oh yeah - I've just had another email from Bec - letting me know that my new magnolia stamps are in the post.. Stay tuned as i will ink them up and create something fab!
have a great night and rest of the week.