Jude has some candy - and I invite everyone to go on over to her blog and enter :) well had better go and get something happening.. Psst.... I got a brand new Magnolia in the mail on tuesday from Kellie @ Tickled Pink.. so i should get to play soon and up load for you all to comment ;) Hugs and love to you all Sal
Hi Sally, I just wanted to let you know that you are the WINNER of my Bizzy Bec's Once Upon A Time Candy. If you could please email me at jmgwthomas.exemail.com.au I will organise to get your Roses Roses stamp out to you. Thanks for all your lovely comments you left me for each day of the release. I appreciated each and every one of them. Hugs xo Jackie
Hi Sally, I just wanted to let you know that you are the WINNER of my Bizzy Bec's Once Upon A Time Candy. If you could please email me at jmgwthomas.exemail.com.au I will organise to get your Roses Roses stamp out to you. Thanks for all your lovely comments you left me for each day of the release. I appreciated each and every one of them. Hugs xo Jackie